Blog Out Loud SF: A Fun Evening!

Thanks to all of you who attended the Blog Out Loud event last night at the charming Belljar. I'd say it was a great success. I was thrilled to be included on the panel and learned some valuable blogging tips from my fellow panelists. And, wonderful meeting them in person!

Rebecca & Megan

A big thanks to Rebecca & Megan for putting this event together. It's strictly voluntary and they worked quite hard and did a fantastic job! Megan, you're a terrific moderator and thanks for going easy on me with the questions!

It was also great to mingle and meet the guests who attended. Such fun to meet fellow bloggers in person. Hope you enjoyed too!

The event was filmed and Blog Out Loud TV will be up in the next few weeks and include mini-moments from the event.

Oh...I wanted to add that Blog Out Loud plans on visiting the east coast and other areas in the near future, so be on the lookout!!

photos from Blog Out Loud