A BIG Surprise!

Today my friend Kimberlee (of Edgar & Edgar) stopped by and brought me the sweetest gifts! A GIANT vintage paper mache walnut box! Before you scratch your head, there is a story behind this...

One day I was taking photos of Kimberlee's house and couldn't help but notice her great collection of vintage walnuts. This started me on yet, another collection. I bought some walnuts from Kimberlee and then started receiving them as gifts. Now Kimberlee gave me the largest walnut I've ever seen! I must add that she has quite the knack for presentation. The gifts were wrapped in black and white with her custom, Edgar & Edgar ribbon!

What a cute holiday card. She attached a pink shield-shaped card with a gold lions head. Clever Kimberlee.

Kimberlee decorated a large chocolate bar with a black silhouette bird and a large star. Beautiful!

An antique dome with my collection of walnuts

My husband bought me this "real" walnut pendant that has a little pocket knife in it. Quirky and fun. Okay, I'm a little odd.

And last, a close-up of my walnut. Thanks so much Kimberlee! I am really touched. Perhaps we'll inspire some bloggers to collect walnuts?