- Kalutara
- Ananas Garden
- Pinnawela
- Kalutara
See baby jumbos wondering around their cramped foster home or bottle fed and bathed by their human foster fathers at Pinnawela, about 90Km from Colombo towards Kandy is the home to some 60 or more elephant orphans. A place you will really enjoy and never forget. Started in 1972 the Elephant Orphanage was relocated to at the present site in 1975 Bathing time at Ma Oya just in front of the orphanage is sharp at 10.00am and 2.00pm. Feeding time is about and hour earlier
Getting there
Pinnawela about 3 km from Rambukkana junction on Colombo-Kandy (90km from Colombo) road. Travellers by bus from Colombo or Kandy could take the Rambukkana bus from Kegalle town.
Wild Elephant Viewing Locations