If you have not yet discovered the hidden beauties of Kauai beaches, it is highly recommended that you must utilize your next Hawaii vacation to experience the thrilling happenings of these areas. Virtually unending beaches of Kauai covered with pompous white sands will give you enough opportunities to experiment with the exciting beach activities, which may include:
- Fishing
- Hiking
- People-watching
- Picnicking
- Sailing
- Snoozing
- Snorkeling
- Sunbathing
- Surfing
- Swimming, and
- Walking, etc.
- A'anini Beach
- Anahola Beach
- Donkey Beach
- Glass Beach
- Ha'ean Beach
- Hanakapi'ai Beach
- Hanalei Bay Beach
- Hideaways Beach
- Kalapaki Beach
- Kalihiwai Bay Beach
- Kealia Beach
- Ke'e Beach
- Kekaha Beach
- Kilauea Bay Beach
- Lawai Beach
- Lumahai Beach
- Lydgate Beach
- Nukoli'i Beach
- Po'ipu Beach
- Polihale State Beach Park
- Pu'u Poa Beach
- Salt Pond Beach Park
- Shipwreck Beach
- Tunnels Beach
- Wailua Beach
- Wainiha Beach Park
- Waioli beach
You will find numerous luxurious and affordable hotels and restaurants located along the romantic beaches of Kauai providing an array of solution for your idyllic messing and accommodation requirements. Some of these hotels may provide exclusive private beach areas where you will be able to experiment your innovative ideas to explore beach sides making your Kauai vacation a grand affair.
By Linka Po