Athens (Greek Αθήνα = Athens) is the capital of Greece and the largest cities.
The name of the city of Athens Hellenic Goddess of Wisdom.
The population of the city today is about 729.137 people, with its suburbs and surrounding areas
About 3,753,726 million people (Statistics in January 2005).
Athens is located in southern Greece on the plain of Attica, between the rivers and Ilisos Kiviesos, surrounded on three sides clipped the tops of mountains are Himitus (1,026 meters) and Pentelikun (1109 meters), and Barnes (1,413 meters). Overlooking from the fourth on the Gulf of Zaronish connecting the Mediterranean Sea.
A history of the city about 5000 years, to prepare this one of the oldest settlements in Europe. Athens announced in 1985 as the first
The cultural capital of Europe. Was added to the Acropolis in 1987 and the Temple of Daphne in 1990 in Athens to the list
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Held at the Athens Games Oolmbip first in the modern era in 1896 and after
About a century held the 2004 Summer Olympics also be considered.
Athens was built on the rocky hills of the Acropolis. The capital of Attica Consolidated a year ago, 700 BC. M.
The population of Aloionyen. The city at its inception was a mud-brick houses, straw, and its streets are
Paved. The squeeze in the smaller cities of the ancient civilization. Did not exceed an area of a small village.
But it was a State governed in a democratic way by the Council of the Masses (Aliklicia).
The name of the city of Athens Hellenic Goddess of Wisdom.
The population of the city today is about 729.137 people, with its suburbs and surrounding areas
About 3,753,726 million people (Statistics in January 2005).
Athens is located in southern Greece on the plain of Attica, between the rivers and Ilisos Kiviesos, surrounded on three sides clipped the tops of mountains are Himitus (1,026 meters) and Pentelikun (1109 meters), and Barnes (1,413 meters). Overlooking from the fourth on the Gulf of Zaronish connecting the Mediterranean Sea.
A history of the city about 5000 years, to prepare this one of the oldest settlements in Europe. Athens announced in 1985 as the first
The cultural capital of Europe. Was added to the Acropolis in 1987 and the Temple of Daphne in 1990 in Athens to the list
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Held at the Athens Games Oolmbip first in the modern era in 1896 and after
About a century held the 2004 Summer Olympics also be considered.
Athens was built on the rocky hills of the Acropolis. The capital of Attica Consolidated a year ago, 700 BC. M.
The population of Aloionyen. The city at its inception was a mud-brick houses, straw, and its streets are
Paved. The squeeze in the smaller cities of the ancient civilization. Did not exceed an area of a small village.
But it was a State governed in a democratic way by the Council of the Masses (Aliklicia).